What’s cryptocurrency?

The contemporary digital money – cryptocurrencyis a Medium of exchange in which the information of everybody’s ownership is stored in an electronic way using strong cryptography for secure transactions, to ensure no manipulations together with the record. It is not issued with a central government. There’s not any physical form for this particular money. Even the central government of any nation can record the transactions made using cryptocurrency. The first decentralized cryptocurrency has been bitcoin, published in 2009. It’s the most popular type now. Funding using cryptocurrencyis named ICO(initial coin offering).

Some Advantages of cryptocurrency are:

• It’s quite confidential.

• Nothing between the two users exchanging money, therefore it is faster.

• Access to the world wide web is easier than access to banks. So cryptocurrency can be retrieved easily.

• To make an worldwide transaction, cryptocurrency is much better compared to banks.

• After payment is made, it can’t be reversed. It saves us from fraud.

• Unlike cards, our entire identity is not shared when we create a payment. We can control what we would like to share.

• You have the account. Nobody can suspend it.

For the electronic age, cryptocurrency is your cash. Now the entire world Is moving to non-physical trades.

Beaxy Exchange

Beaxy Exchange is an exchange for cryptocurrency. It’s an Upcoming all-in-one exchange which has a lot of tools to offer a fantastic experience. It’s possible to trade beaxy tokenfor some additional token or you can use them to cover trading fees. The processing rate is great and customer service is available 24*7. The fees on deposits are fixed on 0.2% which is quite low and you are able to get a percentage of their trading fee back with the beaxy token.

Never invested in cryptocurrency? You might wanna attempt it today with Beaxy Exchange!


• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency#:~:text=A%20cryptocurrency%20(or%20crypto%20currencypercent 20additional%20digital%20coin%20records%2C
• https://cointelegraph.com/bitcoin-for-beginners/what-are-cryptocurrencies